Thursday, December 24, 2009

about me

i was editing / creating my profile... and came to this about me section.. why does every service.. groups, network sites, work sites... want u to say something about u...
and otherwise i can keep talking about me... but when i am asked specifically i am dumbstruck...
so well what about me...
how i am --- i am absolutely unpredictable.. TO MYSELF.. (to others i really dont knw).. but for me i AM.. surprise myself always with my reactions to different situations or different reactions to the exact same situation...
What I do - i do what i love to... and feel just very lucky to be able to do that really well..
what i feel / think - i know i shouldnt use this in the same sentence.. one can feel something else and think something else... and we can do both... but most of us just think.. and think.. and lose touch with all our feelings
blogging is my attempt to feel and think separately and maybe .. just keep feeling and think only when i want to... or have too...
thats for now..
more later...

1 comment:

  1. I think its about a balance of feel and think that truly makes us content. As when we burn or fingers many times with feel, we need to think and vice- versa.Nice to read your blog and share ideas with you ! keep writing. all the best dear !
